FXI Launched

Posted by on August 22, 2012 under Site Information

FXI LogoFXI folks, who overlap the SCO Fitness folks to a certain degree (Roy and Mike), have begun working on and participating in the FXI program, which combines exercise with medical, academic-level research (MediVasc). We will provide more information about this soon; there are already some media reports on it.

Announcement’s Background

Posted by on September 20, 2011 under Site Information

2008 trophies

THIS short explanation may be needed to just highlight the reason why it took a while to set up the site and formally launch it. Peter Bielecki went away for a few months while Mike and I (pictured above) finished a few remaining pages and Fabio gave the go-ahead.

If you are interested in more information about us or about SCI Fitness, please do get in touch. We are going to produce many shirts with our logo fairly soon. If you live in the area, we can order more. This helps spread the word.

Official Site Launched

Posted by on under Site Information

Mike Coogan as Mr. Fitness

After some preparation and discussions among ourselves, we are finally ready to show SCI Fitness to the outside world. Some of the pages are still work in progress, but we are eager to make updates and provide information in the near future, so by all means subscribe to the RSS feed if interested.

Imminent Launch

Posted by on September 5, 2011 under Commentary, Site Information, Social

Over the past few months the site has been kept under the wraps because we wanted to ensure everything was acceptable before going “live”, so to speak. Now that most things have been sorted out and the site has been ironed out, we are planning an imminent debut. For those who had found out about the site before it was officially announced, thanks for the early feedback and we hope you enjoyed the reading.

Welcome to SCI Fitness

Posted by on May 19, 2011 under Site Information

Welcome to SCI Fitness, the site which is currently work in progress and will launch more officially some time later in the year.